haha quirky indeed!! Corrina and I are making progress, i gave up on trying to be the alpha (slightly) and she seemed to appreciate it. She knows when i mean business, and is a silly little kitty in her downtime. Each morning i wake up to her precious face, which has softened with love over the past month. These dogs give such rewarding relationships!! As i stated before, i wasnt looking for dog.. but to be honest Corrina's better then any dog i could have ever wished for. We're still battling peeing in the rain, she gives me the "i dont have to go" attitude.. taking 3 steps then stopping while we're both getting drenched.. then coming in and pooping by the closet. I blame myself really, the place is so small and messy she probably doesnt understand the difference between in and outside.. but in October we're moving to a slightly more spacious abode… so we'll have the chance to start all over.