At 1 yr old, I don't consider B's 100% reliably housebroken–there's still a lot of things that can cause accidents: rain or wet grass; the lingering odour of a predator in the area; an upset in routine; travel; food changes etc. My dogs have always been confused by seasonal changes for their first few years--they just get accustomed to pottying on grass in daylight, then overnight it's snow and short days! While I've never found B's to be especially empathetic, it's possible the change in routine or your divided attention caused by the death in your family could affect your dog.
One thing that's always worked for me is what I call a "Bran Bomb": a small amount of very high fibre cereal softened in plenty of water fed just b4 breakfast. It increases the urge to eliminate. It's helped me get a number of fosters on elimination schedules. Just pick a brand low in sugar and with no articicial sweeteners, which are toxic for dogs.
Also, patience is key--many of us are focused on getting to work in the morning, yet some dogs--depending on food--require two bowel movements in the morning.