• The method I've always used with Tucker is that the more he fusses and tries to go back towards the house, the futher I walk him away. It only took a few times for him to grasp this concept. Now I take him to his spot, and if he doesn't go, I move on a 50 feet or so further from the house and he gives up and goes. Typically, he'll just go like normal. Every now and again he'll need a refresher…

  • This has been a bone of contention with me and my girl every since she arrived. Luckily this summer it hasn't rained much and thankfully not in the morning when I'm leaving for work!
    I've tried the "take em for a walk" - but she balks as soon as I open the door and refuses to even go outside and if I try to "drag" her, forget it, she will try to chew through the leash! I've locked the door and stood outside and wasted my time with her - she will just wait until it hurts. The match trick works to get her to poop but what to do for peeing? Lately I've taken to getting her to run around the house or something else active and then shooing her out when it looks like she can't hold any longer (which doesn't mean she'll go right away but generally she'll go).
    This for me is the only really truly consistently frustrating thing about basenjis.

  • I have tried staying outside, matchsticking, you name it. I am going to put a cover on the wraparound part of fence, shipping pallet with shavings or straw and give her a dry place. It's that or kill her.

  • Mine will run down the garden through the pouring rain and into the wood shed rather than pee quickly and come indoors! They end up absolutely soaked but very happy that they've managed to find somewhere under cover.


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